My Izotope RX Workflow
Over the past couple years, I’ve become more and more familiar with Izotope RX. Roughly a year into my journey of getting into game audio, I realized that it was a necessary tool to master. I’m by no means an expert with it now, but I have learned quite a bit of the ins and outs just by reading the manual and learning tricks from other industry professionals. Aaron Brown’s guide to ultrasonic de-noising or Mike O’Connor’s bird removal are great examples of advanced RX techniques. There are some things that I really like about RX and other quirks that I loathe. This will be a comprehensive overview of how I modify and adjust RX to work best for me.
I have done a lot of editing in RX over the past few months because I have been contributing to crowdsource libraries in the Field Recording Slack. I can thank this place for a lot of the knowledge I have today about field recording and audio cleanup. Julibrary and Daily Drivers CS were both had hefty workloads, but I’ve improved greatly in my speed and quality of work in audio cleanup thanks to these libraries. So from my experience working on these libraries, I’ll share how I lay out my RX windows, how I de-noise and how I set up shortcuts.